Trump Reveals His VP Pick Will Join Him at Upcoming Debate

Jimmy Williams

Former President Donald Trump has revealed that he has chosen his vice presidential pick for the upcoming election and hinted that the person will be at the debate against President Joe Biden.

Trump shared this news during a campaign stop in Philadelphia, telling NBC News, “In my mind, yeah,” when asked if he had made a decision. He added, “They’ll be there. I think we have a lot of people coming.”

NBC News reported that Trump is considering Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota, Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio, and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida for the role. Sources close to the selection process say Burgum and Vance are the top two contenders, with Rubio still in the mix despite a potential constitutional issue regarding residency in Florida. Trump must either change his residency or Rubio must do so, as both cannot be from the same state.

Trump’s senior adviser, Brian Hughes, highlighted the campaign’s priority in choosing a running mate, stating, “The campaign’s top criterion for selecting a running mate is a strong leader who will make a great President for eight years after his next four-year term concludes.”

Trump has been holding informal policy sessions with confidants and potential vice presidential picks. For example, Vance and Trump discussed the economy and inflation, while Rubio met with Trump during a recent visit to Washington, D.C.

Trump emphasized the importance of his choice in the lead-up to the debate. He noted, “Nobody knows” who the pick is yet. However, he assured that the announcement would come “right around the convention,” adding, “Maybe a little before, but could be at the convention. But we’ll have some great people.”

The Republican National Convention will take place from July 15-18 in Milwaukee, where delegates from across the country will officially nominate the party’s candidates for president and vice president.

Pennsylvania remains a crucial swing state in the election. Trump’s visit to a Philadelphia restaurant before a rally underscores the importance of this state. Biden flipped Pennsylvania blue in 2020 and continues to campaign there as the election approaches.

Trump’s selection of a vice presidential candidate will be a significant moment in his campaign. By choosing someone who aligns with his vision and can appeal to voters, Trump aims to strengthen his position in the upcoming election. The decision will play a crucial role in shaping the campaign’s strategy and influencing voter sentiment as the election draws nearer.

About J. Williams

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